The SADC FTA confers to Botswana exporters either duty free access or partial tariff reduction in other SADC Member States, except for Angola, DRC and Seychelles. This confers a margin of preference to Botswana exporters as compared to imports from other third countries like China and India. The margin of preference is the difference between the normal custom duty applicable and the rate of duty when exported under SADC. A competitive edge is therefore granted to SADC originating products. The links below provide the tariff schedules in most of the SADC countries where the normal duties applicable on imported products are listed.


The following tariff schedules are provided purely as a measure of public facilitation. Only the latest official version of the laws or regulations enacted in the country is authoritative. You are therefore strongly advised to reconfirm the customs duties with the Custom Authority of the respective country.


Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Angola
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Botswana
Tariff Schedule of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Tariff Schedule of the Kingdom of Swaziland
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Mozambique
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Namibia
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Seychelles
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of South Africa
Tariff Schedule of the United Republic of Tanzania
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Zambia
Tariff Schedule of the Republic of Zimbabwe




Source: (https://ec.europa.eu/trade/)