- Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES)
- ABC of trade and industry
- EuroCommerce
- Euromonitor International
- Europe BloomBiz
- Kompass
- The European Business Directory (Europages)
National Chambers of Commerce:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
Textile & Footwear:
- Fachverband der Textil-, Bekleidungs-, Schuh- und Lederindustrie (TBSL) www.tbsl.at
- Oeko-Tex Standard www.oeko-tex.com
- Belgian Federation of the Textile, Wood and Furniture Industries (Fedustria) www.fedustria.be
- World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) www.wfto-europe.org
- Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) www.bsci-intl.org
- EU Ecolabel www.ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel
- European Association of National Organisations of Fashion Retailers (AEDT) www.aedt.org
- European Textile Services Association (ETSA) www.etsa-europe.org
- Trade for Development Centre, BTC www.befair.be
- Bulgarian Association of Apparel and Textile Producers and Exporters (BAATPE) www.bgtextiles.org
- Dansk Fashion & Textile www.danskmodeogtextil.dk
- Estonian Clothing and Textile Association (ECTA) www.textile.ee
- FINATEX (Tekstiili -ja vaatetusteollisuus ry) www.finatex.fi
- French Furniture and Home Furnishing Trade Federation (FNAEM) www.fnaem.fr
- Union Industries Textiles www.textile.fr
- Espace textile (Et) www.espacetextile.com
- The European Apparel and Textile Association (Euratex) www.euratex.org
- European Carpet and Rug Association (PRODIS) www.pro-dis.info
- European DIY-Retail Association (EDRA) www.edra-online.com
- Association of the German Home Textiles Industry (Heimtex) www.heimtex.de
- Gesamtverband Textil & Mode www.textil-online.de
- Fairtrade Certified Cotton www.fairtrade.net
- Fairtrade Germany www.fairtrade-deutschland.de
- Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) www.global-standard.org
- Sistema Moda Italia (SMI) www.sistemamodaitalia.it
- Nordic Ecolabel www.nordic-ecolabel.org
- OE Standard www.textileexchange.org
- VIRKE – The Enterprise Federation of Norway, Department of International Trade Cooperation (DITC) www.virke.no/omvirke/aboutvirke
- Polish Federation of Apparel & Textiles www.textiles.pl
- Madrid Chamber of Commerce www.camaramadrid.es
- Consejo Intertextil Espanol (CIE) www.textilesfromspain.org
- Swedish Association of Agents www.agenturforetagen.se
- Sveriges Textil & Modefretag /Swedish Association for Textile and Fasion (TEKO) www.teko.se
- Chamber Trade Sweden www.chambertradesweden.se
- Swiss Textile Federation - Textilverband Schweiz (TVS) www.swisstextiles.ch
- Blue sign www.bluesign.com
- International Trade Centre (ITC) www.intracen.org
- Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) www.exporters.sippo.ch/en/sippo-services
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO) www.iso.org/iso/home.html
- Turkisch Trade Office www.ekonomi.gov.tr
- Association for living, fashion, shoes and sport in the Netherlands (CBW Mitex) www.cbwmitex.nl
- Trade association for fashion, interior design, carpets and textiles (MODINT) www.modint.nl
- BiD Network www.bidnetwork.org
- EK/servicegroup eG www.ek-servicegroup.de
- Association for Contract Textiles (ACT) www.contracttextiles.org
- GoodWeave (formally known as RugMark) www.goodweave.org
- Social Accountability International (SAI) www.sa-intl.org
- British Interior Textiles Association (BITA) www.interiortextiles.co.uk
- British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA) www.thebcfa.com
- Soil Association www.soilassociation.org
- Textile Institute www.textileinstitute.org
- The Fairtrade Foundation www.fairtrade.org.uk
- Textile Exchange www.textileexchange.org
- European Man-made Fibres Association (CIRFS/BISA)
- European Association of Fashion Retailers (AEDT)
- European Apparel and Textile Organisation (Euratex)
- European Association of National Organisations of Textile Retailers
- CEC - European Confederation of the Footwear Industry www.cecshoe.be
- Austrian Association for Footwear Manufacturers www.shoes-leather.at
- SMK (Milieukeur) requirements footwear www.milieukeur.nl/upload/schema/slschema_nl9.pdf
- The Finnish Association of Textile and Footwear Importers and Wholesalers www.teja.fi
- EDM Business newsletters on sports and footwear www.sgieurope.com
- Austrian society of Footwear Representatives www.coesch.at
- Federation of the Austrian Footwear Trade www.schuhhandel.at
- Belgian Federation of the Footwear Industry www.febic.be
- Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry
Processed Food
- European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN) www.aijn.org
- FoodDrinkEurope www.fooddrinkeurope.eu
- FRUCOM, European Federation of the Trade www.frucom.eu
- PROFEL, European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries www.profel-europe.eu
- UNESDA (Union of European Soft Drinks Associations) www.unesda.org
- Trade for Development Centre, BTC www.befair.b
- National Dried Fruit Trade Association (NDFTA) www.driedfruit-info.com
- Anifelt - L'Association Nationale Interprofessionnelle des Fruits et Légumes Transformés www.anifelt.com
- National Union of Fruit Juices (UNIJUS) www.jusdefruits.org
- Verband der deutschen Fruchtsaft-Industrie e.V. (VdF, Association of the German Fruit Juice Industry) www.fruchtsaft.org
- Waren-Verein der Hamburger Börse e. V. www.waren-verein.de
- Fairtrade International www.fairtrade.net
- German Association of the Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) www.bogk.org
- Worldwide Trading Solutions (WTS) www.wtsolutions.eu
- VIRKE – The Enterprise Federation of Norway, Department of International Trade Cooperation (DITC) www.virke.no/omvirke/aboutvirke
- Polish Association of Juice Producers (KUPS) www.kups.org.pl
- FRD Center Market Entry Services www.market-entry.ro
- National Federation of Associations of Processed Vegetables and Processed Foods (FENAVAL) www.fnacv.es
- Swedish Association of Agents www.agenturforetagen.se
- Chamber Trade Sweden www.chambertradesweden.se
- Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) www.exporters.sippo.ch/en/sippo-services
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO) www.iso.org/iso/home.html
- Fresh Dynamics Asia www.freshdynamics.biz
- BiD Network www.bidnetwork.org
- Dutch Association Sodas, Waters, and Juices (FWS) www.fws.nl
- Dutch Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry (VIGEF) www.vigef.nl
- PerSeason Domestic&Foreign Trade www.perseason.com
- Social Accountability International (SAI) www.sa-intl.org
- European Snacks Association (ESA) www.esa.org.uk
- International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) www.regoverningmarkets.org
- The Combined Edible Nut Trade Association (CENTA) www.centa.uk.com
- European association of craft, small and Medium-sized enterprises
- European Folk Art and Craft Federation www.folkartandcraft.net
- The European Ceramics Industries Association (CERAME-UNIE) www.cerameunie.eu
- Belgian Federation of the Textile, Wood and Furniture Industries (Fedustria) www.fedustria.be
- Danish Consumer Agency www.forbrug.dk
- Danish Commerce and Company Agency (EOGS) www.eogs.dk
- United Ceramic Association in Denmark (VKO) www.vko-keramiek.nl
- Pukkila (Finish ceramic organization) www.pukkila.com
- Federation Nationale de la Decoration www.federation-decoration.fr/
- Union of Houseware Manufacturers (UNITAM) www.unitam.fr
- Max Havelaar (France) www.maxhavelaarfrance.org
- International Association of Department Stores (IADS) www.iads.org
- European Candle Association (ECA) www.eca-candles.com
- German Federal Association for Tabletop Products, Housewares, and Interior Ambience (GPK) www.gpk- online.de
- German Industry Association Flatware, Cutlery and Housewares (IVSH) www.ivsh.creative-minds.de
- Federation of the European Cutlery, Flatware, Holloware and Cookware Industries (FEC) www.fecinfo.org
- Transfair www.transfair.org/
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) www.giz.de/en
- CTM Altromercato www.altromercato.it
- VIRKE – The Enterprise Federation of Norway, Department of International Trade Cooperation (DITC) www.virke.no/omvirke/aboutvirke
- Polish International Freight Forwarders Association (PISIL) www.pisil.pl
- Polish ceramic association (SPMO) www.spmo.gliwice.pl
- Spanish Chambers of commerce www.spanish-chamber.com.hk
- Swedish Society of Crafts and Design www.svenskform.se
- Swedish Trade Federation www.svenskhandel.se
- Chamber Trade Sweden www.chambertradesweden.se
- Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) www.exporters.sippo.ch/en/sippo-services
- GEBRA www.gebra.nl
- Dutch Ceramic Association (KNB) www.vko-keramiek.nl
- European Floral & Lifestyle Suppliers Association (EFSA) www.efsa.com
- Aid to Artisans www.aidtoartisans.org
- EFTA (European Fair Trade Association) www.european-fair-trade-association.org
- WFTO (World Fair Trade Organisation) www.wfto-europe.org
- Stichting Max Havelaar www.maxhavelaar.nl
- BiD Network www.bidnetwork.org
- Dutch Design in Development (DDiD) www.ddid.nl
- EK/servicegroup eG www.ek-servicegroup.de
- Materia www.materia.nl
- International Homeware Assoication (IHA) www.housewares.org
- Social Accountability International (SAI) www.sa-intl.org
- The British Ceramic Confederation (CERAMFED) www.ceramfed.co.uk
- British Gifts Association (GA) www.ga-uk.org
- Home Decoration Retailers’ Association (HDRA) www.bira.co.uk/hdra
- Fairtrade Foundation www.fairtrade.org.uk
- Traidcraftshop www.traidcraftshop.co.uk
- Forest Law Enforcement (FLEGT): www.ec.europa.eu/environment/forests/flegt.htm
- Timber regulation: www.ec.europa.eu/environment/forests/timber_regulation.htm
- Convention on International Trading with Endangered Species (CITES): www.cites.org
- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): www.fsc.org
- PEFC: www.pefc.org
- Regulation, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH): www.ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/reach/reach_intro.htm
- EU Eco-labelling: www.ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel
- Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) www.exporters.sippo.ch/en/sippo-services
- World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) www.wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/about_forests
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) www.pefc.org
- European Timber Trade Association (ETTF) www.ettf.info
- Social Accountability International (SAI) www.sa-intl.org
- European Federation of Furniture Retailers
- European Franchise Federation
- Federation of European Direct Selling Associations
- Foreign Trade Association
- Freshfel Europe - The Forum for the Fresh Produce Industry
- Union of groups of independent retailers of Europe
- Trade for Development Centre, BTC www.befair.be
- Swedish Association of Agents www.agenturforetagen.se
- Chamber Trade Sweden www.chambertradesweden.se
- BiD Network www.bidnetwork.org
- Social Accountability International (SAI) www.sa-intl.org
- Trade for Development Centre, BTC www.befair.be
- Exporting
- Trade Preferential Agreements
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- The EU Market and How Does it Work
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- Main EU Norms For Processed Fruit
- Food Safety: Traceability, Hygiene and Control
- Avoid contamination to Ensure Food Safety
- Product Composition
- Food Labelling
- Food Packaging
- European Standards
- Main Standards for Processed Fruit
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- Economic Partnership Agreements
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