TEDA’s main training programme is in partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) on Global Exporters Passport Programme Initiative which is in line with the National Exporter strategy and consists of the following five phases as illustrated below:


– Phase 1 Export Awareness
– Phase 2 Introduction to Exporting
– Phase 3 Planning for Exports
– Phase 4 Succeeding in Exporting
– Phase 5 Global Exporting


Other key service offerings that TEDA provides to potential and existing exporters are technical capacity programmes which include the following programmes and topics:

• Export marketing & planning;
• Export finance;
• Export insurance;
• Logistics & freight forwarding;
• Host sector export requirements for a particular market/country;
• Facilitating the participation of Tshwane based companies on standards export related programme;
• Export Readiness Assessment programmes;
• Facilitate the participation of Tshwane companies on international export programmes;
• Facilitation of tailor made interventions like competiveness, product development, quality management and production efficiency;
• Export advice and information.


These programmes are provided through seminars and workshops as well as company visitation programmes.