European Norms
The EU has very detailed and complex technical specifications for many products and services for which certification is required. Businesses establishing a corporate presence or a commercial relationship with the EU need to fulfil the EU legislation before reaching the EU market. So, you must comply with the EU norms while in Botswana. For this, the first step is to identify the EU norms applying to your product. At the EU Export Helpdesk you can search the product-specific EU legislation.
• Go to Click on “My export”. Fill in the form including, product’s code, country of origin (Botswana), country of destination (EU country to intend to access) and date (the date you foresee your container to reach the EU border). Click on “search”. The information on the EU norms applying to your product appears under the “Requirements” tab. Click on each legislation to read the summary on what you must do and follow the links for the further information.
• At the bottom of each page summarising an EU legislation, you can find the contact address of the organism in charge of this legislation in the country you target. Contact them for specific questions.
Care should be taken to ensure regulations and product standards are fully understood and tested prior to entering the EU market. The Export Helpdesk does not include services. Concerning services, the EU legislation is not harmonised, i.e. there not “one” legislation for the whole European Union, so you need to check the national legislation in the country to intend to export. The European Enterprise service or the EU’s internal Market Directorate General can provide useful information on this matter.
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- Exporting
- Trade Preferential Agreements
- Export Development Offerings
- Export Development and Promotion
- Export to EU
- The EU Market and How Does it Work
- EU Norms and Private Standards
- EU Legal Requirements
- Main EU Norms For Processed Fruit
- Food Safety: Traceability, Hygiene and Control
- Avoid contamination to Ensure Food Safety
- Product Composition
- Food Labelling
- Food Packaging
- European Standards
- Main Standards for Processed Fruit
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- EU Rules of Origin
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- Specific Elements Related to Origin in the MAR
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