To: All Media Houses
12 July 2023
TEDA stages a second instalment of the Tshwane Women in Business Awards
The Tshwane Economic Development Agency will be hosting the second instalment of the Tshwane Women in Business Awards (TWIBA) on 19 August 2023. The objective of the Tshwane Women in Business Awards is to acknowledge, recognise and celebrate outstanding Women Entrepreneurs who are based in Tshwane.
The individuals are seen as trailblazers and pathfinders who are making a significant contribution to the economy of Tshwane and thriving in a difficult environment.
The Awards seek to elevate the role of Women entrepreneurs in the Economy of the City of Tshwane. Furthermore, it is the intention of TEDA to link the businesses with further opportunities and support programmes offered by the City of Tshwane and various agencies and role-players.
The Awards are also used to encourage women to take up opportunities presented by progressive legislation, various instruments, and institutions to increase the participation of women in business. For its part, TEDA working with the City of Tshwane will bring various agencies on board to showcase their financial and non-financial products to women entrepreneurs and facilitate engagements between Tshwane Women-owned businesses and these agencies.
Categories for TWIBA will include the following:
- Agro-Processing
- Mining
- Aerospace/Aviation
- Renewable Energy
- Automotive and Components
- Manufacturing
- 5 other awards dedicated to the informal entrepreneurship.
TEDA encourages women entrepreneurs to participate in the awards to derive benefits in the form of further support and access opportunities to grow their businesses. To participate entrepreneurs can access the entry forms at www.teda.org.za and TEDA digital platforms or contact Kholiswa Mokone at 012 358 6220 or info.teda@tshwane.gov.za.
For further information: Paseka Rakosa
Tel: 012 358 6517
Mobile: 082 429 1862
Email: pasekar@tshwane.gov.za
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